Every year, when spring is in the air, our thoughts turn to shaking off the winter blues and spring cleaning our homes for a fresh new season. It is important to add your heating and cooling equipment to your spring checklist as preventative maintenance is always better than the cure!
All fall and winter your heating equipment has been keeping you and your family warm and cozy.
Pretty soon it will be time to switch from heating your home to cooling it, it is therefore a good practice to have your heating and cooling (HVAC) equipment checked twice a year in Spring and Fall.
This ensures that everything is working safely and efficiently for the upcoming seasons.
In spring your air conditioning equipment should be checked and tested (run) to make sure all is running smoothly. By doing a test run on a warmer day, you will be able to determine if there are any unusual noises (grinding, banging etc) or unusual odors coming from the vents. You will also be able to see if the cooling system is working optimally and your home is becoming cooler. If you find any issues then you know a maintenance check is required. This will protect your investment and ultimately your home.
In spring your filter should be changed or if you have an electrostatic permanent filter, cleaned to keep the air flow moving well throughout your home. Air duct cleaning is also beneficial as the dust, debris and allergens that have accumulated throughout the fall and winter months can be eradicated.
This helps twofold, firstly it helps the furnace to run more efficiently as it does not have to work so hard to push air through the ventilation system and secondly, as less allergens are then airborne it greatly reduces the allergens which exacerbate your allergy symptoms.
Another part to check is working well is your thermostat. There are quite a few upgrades in thermostats available, from wifi controlled to programmable digital thermostats, so you can just set it and forget it!
You can then customize your temperature settings based on your schedule and your personal needs, after all your home is your sanctuary!
At this time it is also recommended to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detector, or install one if you have not done so as yet. This will give you peace of mind which is priceless!.
Schedule your spring maintenance check today @ www.bcwide.ca
Upgrade & Save for Spring!
There are currently available rebates from FortisBC and BC Hydro should you chose to upgrade your equipment to High Efficiency models. This will save both at the time of installation and in your future energy bills, a win win!
Have a safe and wonderful spring season from all of us at BC Wide Home Services Ltd.